Stepping into the Unknown
Wow, it’s really happening. When I penned my last post, I had no clue my fresh start would arrive so swiftly. After over 40 years in the corporate world, I’m thrilled to announce that come May 1st, 2024, I’ll be diving headfirst into the realm of full-time coaching entrepreneurship, having embraced an early retirement opportunity. It’s a dream I’ve nurtured for ages.
Springtime in Seattle, March 2024
It’s funny how wishing for something is one thing, but achieving it is another beast entirely. There’s the allure of breaking free from the corporate grind, of being your own boss, and then there’s the stark reality of running a small business. Here are some of the changes I’ve been exploring over the past few months:
Farewell to Familiar Faces: Leaving behind my colleagues and clients feels like bidding adieu to family. I’ve forged countless connections over the years, and I’ll dearly miss the camaraderie and collaborations. But it’s a signal for me to cultivate new networks, to actively seek out and connect with fresh faces creating new tribes.
The Unknown Terrain: What does it truly mean to be a small business owner? While the corporate world offered stability and status, it also came bundled with its own set of challenges — long hours, bureaucratic hurdles, and the constant threat of restructuring. Now, it’s my turn to craft systems that ensure my relevance in the marketplace, fostering the growth of a thriving small business.
Financial Jitters: No more steady paycheck. The security of knowing there’s always another payday has been replaced by a sense of financial responsibility. Budgeting has become my North Star, guiding every expenditure. It’s not about what I can’t afford anymore, but rather what truly matters to me and how I choose to spend my time.
Powerless Structure, Elmgreen & Dragset, 1997 — Louisiana Museum of Modern Art - Humlebaek, Denmark
Staying Relevant: Relinquishing my role as a trusted advisor in my organization, I’m navigating uncharted waters. But there’s no reason I can’t carve out a similar role in the coaching world. It’s a matter of honing my expertise and applying familiar leadership principles in a new setting.
Lone Wolf Syndrome: Projects in the corporate world had a life of their own, and recognition was never far behind for the overachievers. Now, as a solo entrepreneur, the journey can feel lonely. To create a new team, I’m setting up a business mastermind group for coaches so that we can provide each other with mutual accountability and support.
Embracing Collaboration: While I relished teamwork in my corporate days, I’m finding new partners in the coaching sphere. Already, I’m collaborating with another coach (Ana McGough) on a project to assist job seekers — a venture brimming with excitement and possibility. Stay tuned for more information!
Embracing the Unknown: As I bid farewell to my corporate responsibilities, I’m using this transitional period to lay the groundwork for my future endeavors. The possibilities are endless, and while there’s no playbook for this next chapter, that’s where the magic lies — in crafting something entirely my own.
What I’ve come to realize is that building a business isn’t merely about acquiring new skills; it’s about personal growth, creativity, and resourcefulness. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions — daunting yet exhilarating, filled with both pitfalls and surprises. But hey, I’ve strapped on my seatbelt, and I’m ready for the ride!
Gefjon Fountain, Copenhagen, Denmark — Norse legend Gefjon turned her four sons into oxen to plow the Danish island of Zealand from the sea