One must dare

Extraordinary Adventure Log

My beloved 2024 notebook

As 2024 rapidly comes to an end, I reflect on my experiences this year—some positive, some challenging. My theme for 2024 was Extraordinary, and it truly was.

I transitioned from my corporate job to a full-time coaching business, traveled to Iceland...

Hraunfossar, Iceland, 2024 - Waterfalls resulting from the Hallmundarhraun lava field, 900 meters away

Cairn in Snaefellsbaer (Western Iceland), 2024

BÚÐAKIRKJA Á SNÆFELLSNESI, Budir Church, Iceland, 2024

Djúpalónssandur beach, Iceland, 2024

... and France. I explored Mont Saint-Michel, the Carnac Stones, and the Camargue.

Mont Saint-Michel, dawn, 2024

The Carnac Stones - 3,000+ stones (menhirs) on over 100 acres; these stones pre-date Stonehenge by 1,000+ years. 2024

The Camargue horse (the ‘horse of the sea’) thrives in the wetlands and marshes of the Camargue region in France.

I also faced personal loss with the passing of my dog Wallace and was deeply disappointed by the November election results (US). On a brighter note, I rediscovered swimming, prioritized friendships, and expanded my coaching network.

During my time in France, an energy coach inspired me with the phrase Il faut oser which means One must dare. This resonated deeply within me; daring means stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing whatever comes up. It’s not so much about doing things that scare you, but instead, it’s about trying something new, without certainty of success. When working with clients, I see them take similar risks—whether it’s accepting a challenging role, setting boundaries, or asking for help—and they often discover new inner strength and resilience.

In Iceland, despite some claustrophobia, I challenged myself to tour the inside of lava caves. Fellow travelers offered to support me if I got uncomfortable; I took a deep breath and took it step by step. Despite my discomfort, I stayed with the tour the entire time. I saw stalagmites and stalactites, ice in many shapes, and fantastic rock formations. At the end of the path, the guide invited all of us to stop for a minute and turn off our headlamps to experience the 100% underground darkness in silence. It was an amazing experience, not only seeing the beauty of the underground but stretching my comfort zone and finding a new edge!

Going deep into the lava caves of Víðgelmir, Iceland, 2024

For 2025, my theme is One must dare. Each month, I'll challenge myself (and you) to take a small dare that pushes boundaries and builds confidence. These dares won't be monumental (like skydiving) but a small step to expand our comfort zones (like setting a boundary with a challenging person). We might even be surprised by our strength and resilience.

What will you dare in 2025?

Wishing you a joyful holiday season!

Preparing for 2025


Dare 1 - January 2025


A Low-touch Thanksgiving