I am a resilience coach. With years of experience leading change across organizations, I can help you turn life's stumbling blocks into stepping stones, enabling you to not just bounce back, but to bounce forward and flourish.
Imagine yourself an underwater air bubble rising toward the surface, only to encounter an obstacle—a formidable rock ledge that hinders your progress. Despite your efforts to push against it, the ledge remains steadfast, impervious to any pressure or nudging. You observe other bubbles effortlessly reaching the surface, while you impatiently await the moment when this stubborn ledge finally yields. But nothing changes… Could it be time to consider working with a coach?
In working together, we'll talk about how you built your personal ledge (we all have them) — beliefs, expectations, and thought habits—and explore strategies to dissolve it. While you might resolve this challenge independently, you’ll get there more quickly by partnering with a coach. After working through your perceived limitations, your bubble starts rising to the surface, eventually bursting through to reconnect with the air, the sun, and the sky. You’ve taken a giant leap forward toward your dream; doesn’t that feel great?