The discomfort of ‘getting out there’…

Waiting for the show to start

If you’re like me, being in the spotlight can be uncomfortable. As I prepare to launch my new website and programs, the voices in my head heckle me: ‘Why would anyone care?’; ‘This self-promotion stuff is very self-centered’.  Yet, I’m pushing ahead, standing way outside my old wallflower comfort zone and stepping into the new reality of running a business and being an entrepreneur. But not without a good dose of procrastination (one week delay) and some creative excuses (but I needed a pedicure!).  

Where would you rather be?

That’s really what coaching is about: exploring the wonders that live outside your comfort zone. Most fears are like the Wizard of Oz: when looking behind the curtain, all you see is a small person trying to make themselves look scarier than reality. “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!”

But if you take a second look, you discover that most of the stories you’ve been creating in your head are just that: stories. So here goes.

I’m pleased to launch four new coaching programs. These are the programs I wish had been available to me when I started my corporate career. My younger self was naive and made many, many mistakes.  In the end, I landed on my feet, but the journey was harder than it needed to be. 

This is why I coach: to help you become successful in your career endeavors.  In the end, it’s about finding meaningful work aligned with your values. When there’s alignment, there’s the possibility of fulfillment as well as success. 

  • Early Talent Career Launch - for young professionals, in the first few years of work post-college.  How do you find work? How do you manage yourself in a professional environment where most of the rules are unwritten? How do you make career decisions? How do you manage the overwhelm when there are so many choices?  

  • Career Jumpstart - for women in early to mid careers.  You’ve been an overachiever most of your life, yet your career has stalled. This wasn’t where you were hoping to be. What’s going on?  How do you craft a path forward when your manager tells you that there are no promotions, no raises, and very little development opportunity? How do you create a path forward when there’s little support to help you get there?

  • Career Pivot - for more seasoned workers who may be looking at changing careers, or are in job search mode. Who will hire me at my age? Am I overqualified? What do I really want to do? Ageism is out there, but it doesn’t have to be a showstopper.  Rather than focusing on speed bumps, what if you focused on your value, your skillsets, and your ability to flex when the going gets tough?

  • Career Healthcheck - You think you’re secure in your role, but there are talks of layoffs and the job market is uncertain. Instead of chewing your nails and trying to stay under the radar, what can you do to get back in the driver’s seat?  How can you prepare for the future, regardless of potential staff reductions? What’s under your control right now and how can you make it work for you?

To celebrate this launch, I’m offering a free hour of coaching on any topic to the first five people who contact me, whether it be a response via email or a note from the Contact Me page on my website.

Copenhagen Airport, 2023

A bonus: you just watched me expand my comfort zone and you can too.  Put on your seat belts, here we go!


p.s. I wanted to send a special thanks to Marta Regalado, who was instrumental in helping me redesign my programs and my website. Her marketing and coaching expertise made her an ideal partner for this redesign and launch. Thank you, Marta, the process was great fun and I’m so pleased with the results!

Let’s talk about what’s happening in your career.  Schedule a call today.


What the luck?