Without this thought...
As we move toward 2023, I've been lucky enough to enjoy a few days of contemplation. I've been asking myself, what would I like to bring into 2023, and what would I like to leave behind in 2022? What recurring thoughts do I have that do not support the future I want for myself?
The Kelpies, Falkirk, Scotland
One of my clients is a manager. She wanted to be a stronger, more dynamic leader. As we worked together, she spent a lot of time doubting her abilities and self-confidence. One day during a coaching session, I asked her 'who would you be without that thought?' (from the work of Byron Katie). She paused and took a few minutes to answer. 'I would be a better leader and wouldn't be afraid of making mistakes.' This was her insight. She could choose to continue doubting herself and thinking about how she might be messing things up, or she could lead and learn from her experiences. In the last few months, she's seen herself step into the leader she wants to be and surprising herself with how well things are going.
On the road to Loch Lomond, Scotland
I have many thought patterns that don't serve me. One of them is the thought 'I am bored' or 'This is boring'. It sneaks up on me when I'm doing administrative tasks at work, or doing a chore at home. Who would I be if I didn't allow myself to think that thought? What if I redirected my mind, so that when the thought comes up, I acknowledge it, let it go, and ask myself, 'How can I appreciate this, or make it more fun?'.
I've started doing this while cleaning my kitchen. I appreciate the warm water on my hands while washing my pots and pans. I appreciate my dishwasher while it cleans the rest of my dishes. Not everyone has water, electricity, or a dishwasher. I appreciate cleaning my white counters, as my previous kitchen counter was black and I could never tell when it was clean. Now, with my white counters, I can clean them and appreciate the beautiful shine. I also appreciate that I take the time to clean the kitchen the night before so that I have a fresh, clean kitchen to start my day.
I just experienced the 'I don't feel like it, it's too hard' thoughts about 20 minutes ago. I knew I had to write this newsletter, but fell into my habit of, 'I don't feel like writing, it's too hard.' So I started with a few words. And then a few more. And now, look at what I have: a newsletter entry, and a feeling of satisfaction that I followed through. It wasn't that hard, and I hope you'll find this helpful.
As we approach 2023, I am choosing to leave these thoughts behind in 2022:
This is boring
I don't feel like it
This is too hard
I am replacing them with
How can I appreciate what I have?
What if I just start a little bit?
How can I make this more fun?'
What thoughts are you leaving behind in 2022?
Wishing you a wonderful 2023 with many successes ahead of you!
p.s. Here's a beautiful rendition of 'The Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond'. Wonderful memories of an incredible trip this past November.
Kayaker on Loch Lomond, Scotland